by zenithadmin | Dec 9, 2023
MSc Applied Psychology Consultant Psychologist Touch for Health Instructor, IKC Australia Thenmozhiis a seasoned psychologist with 8years of expertise in providing counseling and therapies. Her passion for mental health has driven her to make a meaningful impact on...
by zenithadmin | May 14, 2023
MSc Applied Psychology Touch for Health Instructor, IKC Australia Durga is a consultant Psychologist specialized in providing therapies for children with special needs. She is in her 10th year as a freelancing therapist. Her Career began as a Dyslexic Trainer as well...
by zenithadmin | May 14, 2023
MBBS, DPH FOUNDER DIRECTOR DIVYAM MINDGUIDING ACADEMY & CENTRE FOR AUTISM, MUMBAI INDIA Languages spoken – English, Hindi, Marathi Working hours – Monday – 7 to 9 am,11 to 2 pm,3 to 5 pm Tuesday – 7 to 9 am,11 to 2 pm,3 to 5 pm Thursday...
by zenithadmin | May 14, 2023
Touch For Health® Practitioner and Instructor (IKC, Australia). From Hyderabad, India. Currently living in UK. Deepika Boddu is a skilled and experienced Touch for Health Practitioner with a passion for helping clients achieve optimal health and wellness. With a deep...
by zenithadmin | May 14, 2023
MSc Psychology of Health & wellbeing (UK) Touch for Health ® Instructor (IKC, Australia) PhD scholar in Complementary & Alternative medicine (USA) Bioenergetic wellness Facilitator Nithya Poorani Jayaraj is a Health & Energy psychologist and Bio Energetic...