Stress, Anxiety and Phobias
Stress, Anxiety and Phobias
A Stress Response can be quite helpful in certain life-threatening situations. When one senses “danger” the body automatically kicks into the “fight-or-flight,” reaction or stress response. This is helpful if you are in real, imminent danger such as being mugged or in the midst of a natural disaster. In these types of situations, the stress response is just what you need and can ultimately save your life. Problems occur when you stay stuck in the stress response for situations that are not life threatening. You may not be aware of the impact stress is having on your life and your loved ones. In the case of chronic stress, you may have created an energetic stress pattern that kicks in even with minor situations.
Some signs that you are on Stress Overload and may need help undoing the energetic stress pattern that has been created include:
Repeated Bouts of Colds and Flu
Chest Pain, Rapid Heart Beat
Consistent Feeling Of Overwhelm
Inability To Focus Or Concentrate
Negativity, Negative Thoughts And Negative Talk
Racing Thoughts
General Feeling Of Anxiousness Or Nervousness
Feeling Depressed Or Sad
Using Food, Alcohol, Drugs, Shopping, Gambling, Etc. As A Means
To Relieve Your Stress
Irritability, Moodiness, Angry
Always Worrying
Gaining Or Losing Weight
Sleep Problems Either Too Little Or Not Enough
It is important to note that these may be signs of other issues as well and that each person’s response to stress is different