Weight loss and Health regain
Unique Body Nature Weight Loss Program
Achieving your desired weight and Shape while regaining health
People are different, and no one diet is right for everyone. You really need to know your Unique Body Nature.
Before you start any new diet or exercise program, figure out what works for your body. Make sure any changes you make are sustainable and not just temporary fixes. You don’t want to end up in worse shape than before because you didn’t give yourself enough time to adjust!
When you know your Unique Body nature, you can
- Achieve total well-being includes s losing weight, abundant energy and radiant health
- Target your trouble spots of weight gain
- Eliminate food cravings
- Have the ability to rest well and get full value from your rest
The basic principles of Unique Body nature dieting
- Eat less of those foods which over-stimulate the dominant organ/gland
- Eat more of those foods which support and nourish the other, less active organs/glands.
Unique Body Nature System will show you
How to eat to strengthen your metabolism
What foods you must eat to break the cycle of cravings and overweight
What your body needs for greatest energy
How to create better health and close your body's "windows of vulnerability"
You will achieve