Pain management

Pain Management:

For the relief of pain from simple injuries to chronic inflammatory conditions. Pain perception, is a subjective experience, influenced by complex interactions of biological, psychological, and social factors. The somatosensory information from the injury site is transformed into physiological, cognitive appraisal, emotional and behavioural responses before it is perceived as pain. Pain/trauma can cause disruption to the flow of energy in the energy channels. Re-balancing of these energies can be achieved by following the theory of relationships between the elements in the body and the cycles of energy flows. The smooth flow of energy accomplishes the task of closure of the pain gate. List of conditions that can be addressed by Bioenergetic balances

Back pain

Shoulder pain

Knee pain


Heel pain

Ankle pain

Wrist pain

Abdominal pain

Menstrual pain

Headaches- Migraine, Tension headache, headaches from concussion and other headaches