

One can think about exploring Co-dependency when there are Imbalanced and dysfunctional relationships in which one person loses their sense of independence and takes responsibility of another person.

According to research, patterns of co-dependent behaviour generally involve four main themes:


Considering others needs as their duty

A need for control, resulting in conflict

Inability to identify and express emotions

Signs of Co-dependency

  • A need for approval from others
  • Care for what others think about you
  • Tendency to apologize or take on blame in order to keep the peace
  • A pattern of avoiding conflict
  • An inclination to ignore your own desires
  • Concern about a loved one’s habits or behaviours
  • Making decisions for others
  • Guilt when doing something for yourself
  • Doing things you don’t really want to do, simply satisfy the other person
  • Fear of rejection or abandonment

Co-dependency balance includes a 14 step quiz and 5 bio energetic balances.


  • identify your own needs
  • feel safe and comfortable expressing your own needs
  • be comfortable to ask for support when you need
  • set and maintain healthy boundaries
  • make decisions on your own
  • reconnect with your self