Courses Offered
Individual Programs
Bioenergetic system 101
Program outline
Description | # of hours |
Classroom hours (offline/online) | 3 |
Home assignment worksheets | 9 |
Submission and discussion | 1 |
Library & Research | 10 |
Total 23 hours
Family wellness with Bioenergetic Balance
Program outline
Description | # of hours |
Classroom hours (offline/online) | 6 |
Home assignment worksheets | 18 |
Submission and discussion | 1 |
Library & Research | 10 |
Theory & practical assessment | 2 |
Project -16 | 16 |
Discussion | 3 |
Total 56 hours
Program outline
Description | # of hours |
Classroom hours (offline/online) | 4 |
Home assignment worksheets | 6 |
Submission and discussion | 3 |
Library & Research | 10 |
Total 23 hours
Family wellness -Emotional programming
Program outline
Description | # of hours |
Classroom hours (offline/online) | 6 |
Home assignment worksheets | 18 |
Submission and discussion | 1 |
Library & Research | 10 |
Theory & practical assessment | 2 |
Project -16 | 16 |
Discussion | 2 |
Total 55 hours
Epigenetic Healing Cycles
Program outline
Description | # of hours |
Classroom hours (offline/online) | 8 |
Home assignment worksheets | 18 |
Submission and discussion | 2 |
Library & Research | 10 |
Theory & practical assessment | 2 |
Project -16 | 20 |
Discussion | 3 |
Total 55 hours
The Dominance Factor
Program outline
Description | # of hours |
Classroom hours (offline/online) | 12 |
Home assignment worksheets | 2 |
Submission and discussion | 2 |
Library & Research | 10 |
Theory & practical assessment | 2 |
Project -1 | 16 |
Project -2 | 16 |
Discussion | 3 |
Total 63 hours
Double Doodle Play
Program outline
Description | # of hours |
Classroom hours (offline/online) | 8 |
Home assignment worksheets | 4 |
Submission and discussion | 2 |
Library & Research | 10 |
Theory & practical assessment | 2 |
Project | 10 |
Discussion | 2 |
Total 38 hours
Hooking up from head to toe
Program outline
Description | # of hours |
Classroom hours (offline/online) | 8 |
Home assignment worksheets | 4 |
Submission and discussion | 2 |
Library & Research | 10 |
Theory & practical assessment | 2 |
Project | 10 |
Discussion | 3 |
Total 39 hours
Family wellness with Bioenergetic Balance©
Harnessing body’s healing energies
Each of us has unique neurological strengths and weaknesses. Energy modalities that consider these essential markers of our individuality maximize our innate ability to correct itself by harmonizing energy patterns.
Family Wellness Bio-energetic Balance is a natural wellness system, a holistic approach to health, teaches restoring of our natural energies using manual muscle testing to evaluate and harmonize energy patterns and maximize our innate ability to correct itself. It integrates the eastern energy system with western reflex corrections that are subtle, simple, and non-invasive in nature and encourage balanced and healthy energy flows. By following the body’s wisdom, energy balance brings about the desired shifts in the structural, emotional, and biochemical dimensions of our body to access our full potential.
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to manually test 14 muscles associated with meridian energy flows, frame effective goal statements for improving and maintaining wellness, use reflex correction techniques that enhance smooth flow of energies, use energy first aid tips for physical and emotional stress.
Benefits of this balance – regain optimum health and wellness – in terms of pain, emotional stress and recovery from illness, overcome the learning blocks, improve communication skills and social interaction, increase focus and concentration, increase Energy and Vitality, realign ‐ body’s posture and balance, identify and increase self‐ awareness and identify the purpose of life, understand potential and the joy of life.
Family Wellness Bio-energetic Balance is a self-care program compiled by Dr Rashida Naraharasetti
MBBS, DO(MP) to provide a simple and non-invasive procedure that enhances health and wellness. It is an introductory workshop to Touch for Health Kinesiology program.
Certificate from Trikaala Energy Balance, Canada

Family wellness with Emotional Programming©
As humans we tend to have thoughts and emotions that influence us in our daily lives.
There are various emotions that govern us on how we handle our lives and interact with others. Most of these emotions are triggered by our own perceptions and beliefs.
Though we consciously work hard to overcome these emotions, at times we succumb to them as we cannot overcome the repeating patterns. How to bring the inner wisdom of your subconscious support your conscious efforts?
The participants will learn
- To identify the triggers and the trapped emotions in their energy system
- Diffuse those emotions that create patterns of failures and are self- defeating
- Manual muscle monitoring
- Anchoring techniques
- Affirmations related to meridians and chakras.
You emerge with a new emotional pattern that empowers you to choose new perspectives and make wise choices and take effective actions.
For: psychologists, teachers, occupational therapists, special educators, parents, students
Epigenetic Healing Cycles
Your DNA is not your destiny
The new epigenetic science reveals that your perceptions control your biology. This places you in the driver’s seat, because if you can change your perceptions, you can shape and direct your own genetic expression.
We want to turn on the genes of longevity, wellness & vitality and turn off the genes of aging and death/apoptosis. Your genetic profile is not your destiny, you can change your gene expression by the things you think, say, and do, the things you eat, avoid or listen to and what you ponder in your heart.
The basics of Epigenetics – the epigenome is in control of gene expression. You are not a victim. To clear subconscious murmurs of past traumas, the participants learn how to help reduce mental and emotional suffering related to universal fears, 8 major job stresses and 25 common relationship issues and 5 Energy Cycles including Resilience (STPs), Vesuvius (TRVs), and Self-Soothing & Calming.

The Dominance Factor
The Dominance Factor Course is a synthesis of research and experiential understanding of how the Basal Dominance Pattern, developed at approximately 9 weeks in-utero, affects how we function in stressful (survival) situations, as well as our preferences and the ways we most readily gain knowledge and respond in relationships. The course assists participants to be aware of the wide diversity of dominance patterns and how they differ from one’s own, which leads to deeper understanding and more effective inter-relationships in the home, school and workspace. The practical application of integrative cross-lateral tools from Brain Gym®, Vision Gym, and other integrated movements assist whole brain and sensory function beyond these limited patterns to enrich every part of one’s life. Open to all students. Brain Gym 101 or Physiology of Learning recommended but not required
Double doodle Play
Using various art media, explore how to use the Double Doodle and other activities from Brain Gym® and Vision Gym® to enhance visual perception and artistic expression. Participants experience the relationship between visual skills, hand-eye coordination, and creativity, and are also shown some simple ways to use the Double Doodle processes with learners of any age. Open to all.

Hooking up from Head to Toe:
Brain Gym® for Little Ones This workshop, created by Lisa Marcovici and Michele Hebert, is designed for early childhood educators in daycare, preschool or kindergarten settings. During this one-day course you will discover the 26 Brain Gym® movements and their application in a daycare setting to enable children to return to a calm state and develop basic motor skills. The benefits of Brain Gym are presented in a simple and fun manner and are easily integrated into the daily routine. Through play and using games, self-awareness, stress management techniques, as well exploring the skills of noticing, concentrating, organizing and communicating are taught.
Code of ethics consists of all the obligations that professionals must respect when carrying out their duties. It includes the core values of the profession and the behaviour which should be adopted; it is a code of professional conduct.
It is important to understand the purpose of code of ethics to have a code of professional conduct. Code of ethics is in relation to oneself, profession and to clients.
In a nutshell, ethical decision making is the application of ethical principles and professional skills to determine appropriate behavior and resolve ethical dilemmas.