Dr Dhanashri V Pawar

Position: Team Member


Languages spoken – English, Hindi, Marathi 

Working hours – 
Monday – 7 to 9 am,11 to 2 pm,3 to 5 pm 
Tuesday – 7 to 9 am,11 to 2 pm,3 to 5 pm 
Thursday – 3 to 5 pm
Friday – 3 to 5 pm

Personal Profile

I am a parent of a child on the Autism spectrum, medical doctor and a Professional with holistic approach. I run an Autism Remediation Centre in Mumbai, divyam, where my team and me, support optimum mental, emotional and physical growth for children with neurological vulnerabilities. I am also a Parent Consultant and help families across the world for their child’s mental growth. I also do Energy balances to my patients and this way I try to provide holistic solutions. In the past, I was a Medical Officer in Public Health Department in Mumbai for 9 years during which I finished my Post Graduation in Preventive and Social medicine.

During my tenure as a medical officer, I treated many patients with painkillers and antibiotics and other drugs but still many of these patients continued to seek medical treatment and never had optimum health and they continued to take medicines which have serious side effects when taken for a long time. This made me wonder about the origins of the illness and could help to address the real causes of illness which was stress. Hence, I studied alternative health modalities. This is when I learnt Touch for Health and became Licensed Touch for Health Proficient and Instructor from the International Kinesiology College, Australia. She started practicing energy balances on my patients. Since then, many have benefitted from the effects of energy balance and are extremely happy and fulfilled.

Educational History

  • MBBS, Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai, India,2007
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (DPH), College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mumbai,2012
  • Touch for Health (TFH) Proficient and Licensed Instructor, International Kinesiology College, Australia,2018
  • Certified Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) Consultant (USA) for treatment of Autism and other Neurological Vulnerabilities.
  • Arts Based Therapy (ABT) Practitioner, Nirmala Niketan college, Mumbai,2020