Deepika Boddu

Position: Team Member

Touch For Health® Practitioner and Instructor
(IKC, Australia).
From Hyderabad, India.
Currently living in UK.

Deepika Boddu is a skilled and experienced Touch for Health Practitioner with a passion for helping clients achieve optimal health and wellness. With a deep understanding of Touch for Health method, Deepika has helped numerous clients alleviate physical and emotional discomfort, improve their posture and balance, and enhance their overall quality of life in the past 5 years. She also completed her instructor training in March 2020, Hyderabad, India. She has also finished her certifications in Touch for Health Metaphors, Art of Goal Settings, Emotional programming, Integrated MC square, Brain Gym such as Dominance Factor, Double Doodle, Vision Circles, Movement Based Learning, 101, 201, 301 and Physiological basis of Learning and completed her Epigenetic Healing Cycles certification, Colour Therapy and Applied Kinesiology shortcuts level 1, 2 and 3.

Languages Known: Telugu, Hindu and English.
Available slots: Thursday from 2pm IST to 6pm IST (6pm to 7pm being the last slot) (April to October)
Thursday from 3pm IST to 7pm IST (7pm to 8pm being the last slot) (November to March)