My daughter, healthy and happy till she was 5 years old, suddenly started suffering from frequent UT infections and high fevers followed by ankle pains. She had many episodes, sometimes 3-4 times a month and she suffered almost a year. Any antibiotics given after the urine test and culture would only work for a week or few weeks and problem returns over and over. Her CT scans revealed a possible reflux and she was diagnosed with possible hydro nephrosis and she was asked take preventive anti biotics until further treatment plan is confirmed. I noticed my daughter was developing negative thoughts and her behavior was clearly changing to an unhappy and aggressive child from a happy and playful one. We were worried and frustrated about long waiting periods to see specialists in Canada which might worsen her condition and it might also impact her growth and development. I was terrified by the idea of preventive antibiotics for an undetermined period of time as it could have side effects on my child
A friend of mine recommended Dr. Rashida’s Touch for Health sessions. I was fortunate to get her attention quickly and within first couple of sessions, I started noticing changes. We stopped preventive antibiotics. Her fever episodes vanished. She was tested negative on her subsequent Urine tests. She did not have fever for next one and half year. Her DMSA Kidney Scan showed that her kidneys were normal and Urologist confirmed she did not have hydro nephrosis any more. I noticed very clear change in her thoughts and behavior. She is a very happy healthy and positive thinking child again. She recently celebrated her 7th birthday in September 2016.