Autism, ADD & ADHD
Autism, ADD, ADHD & Behavioural developmental delay
These are the conditions that can cause learning, social, communication, and behavioural challenges characterized in varying degrees. Children on autism spectrum display a wide range in strengths and challenges. Some of them are difficulties with social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviours. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age symptoms generally appear in the first 2 years of life and earlier intervention is more beneficial.
Developmental delays can occur in social/emotional, communication, motor or cognitive domains. They can be transitory or if they continue can be diagnosed as a developmental disability. Any condition that impacts development in childhood and persists into adulthood may be classified as a childhood developmental disorder. The brains of the children with Learning Disability are wired differently in how they receive and process information. The most common problem involves difficulty in writing, reading, math, reasoning, comprehension, listening and speaking.
Each child is different and there is no single symptom or profile to find the problem. Bioenergetic balancing sessions help in accessing innate skills and potentials to achieve by accessing various components of energy flows in the body, encompassing the structural, emotional and bio-chemical dimensions of health and impacts the full spectrum of conditions with precision, speed, and flexibility.