Nithya Poorani Jayaraj

My Journey with Nithya Poorani Jayaraj
I would name this journey as “From Survival to Thriving!”


There was a time in my life when I felt overwhelmed for various reasons: fear of increased
responsibilities, lack of appreciation from people around, baggage from the past, loss of a beloved
family member, self-doubt, external triggers and influences and not being able to handle people. As
a result of this I struggled to thrive and was not able to face people or situations. I started feeling
worthless, unable to make any decisions and unable to do any work. I didn’t feel confident to keep
my head high with my shoulders shrunk.


Nithya’s attributes that were helpful for my transformation:
1. Sessions- No judgements: I never felt that I will be judged. I felt like I am talking to myself in
every session. Confidentiality and professionalism at their core.
2. Balancing sessions – No persuasion: Each session and technique worked like a charm.
But at any point of time, I was never compelled to follow any technique strictly or no
justification was made to make me believe that it would work.
3. Sincerity, commitment to genuinely care and help. Right from Day 1 till date
4. Therapist to a mentor: I will definitely love to continue this Journey with Nithya with her
being my mentor now and in the future ever.
5. I am grateful to the sessions by facilitator Dr. Nithya for having helped me out not only to survive but also for being with me
to see how I thrive in my life.


 Self-worth: I started feeling that “I deserve to be calm, peaceful and happy”.
Decision-making: I CHOOSE to be happy on my won and to spread happiness wherever
Confidence: I often hear feedback from my acquaintances that my eyes are bright and my
shoulders are not shrunk anymore. I myself feel accomplished already, LIVING my life,
LOVING myself and the world around.


I reached out to Nithya when I had given up on marriage, re-evaluating my decision to be together and felt that my partner will never accept me as I am. Nithya is a great listener and she patiently received all my emotions, my unstructured thoughts and emotional outbursts. We worked together for 3-4 weeks where she taught me simple tips and tricks to first understand myself and solve for situations which was under my control. The entire process was logical, methodical and long lasting which I even apply today (and in the future) to approach any kind of conflict in my personal life. I’m now a better communicator with my spouse and never get bogged down after having a tough confrontation. I’d highly recommend Nithya to everyone who is looking for an empathetic listening ear with zero judgements.


Suddenly one evening I had headache and thought it’s normal headache because I usually get it due to dehydration. I thought it will be alright once I sleep and wake up next day morning. But unexpectedly, next day also it continued. Things started to become worse, along with headache I found it difficult to breathe and to even walk. I also couldn’t able to talk and do my daily activities. Next day I went to hospital and they prescribed medicine for sleeping. unfortunately, I couldn’t not sleep even after that. Days passed I was going to various hospitals, but no improvement in my health. I didn’t sleep for three months. I was becoming weak couldn’t even eat. I felt that I’m becoming mad. No treatment stopped my headache.

After three months I got to know about Nithya poorani’ s Balancing sessions through my family. I started the sessions and experienced a miracle in my life. Slowly I started to have a deep sleep, without any interruptions. Once I started to sleep, I also started to eat. I started to feel the difference within me. The healing started from my inner soul. I realised the change within me. It is true that everyone should communicate with their own mind and body. Really, I am thankful for Nithya Poorani for giving me new life. I also realised because of her that, we should relax ourselves and also enjoy our life, self-appreciation is most important. now I’m doing my work peacefully. There are no words to express my regards to her. now I’m back to work only because of her support and care.

Not only this is for physical strength but also very useful for mental health also. Thank you so much for everything.
