Course Enrollment Agreement

As a student of Epigenetic Healing Cycles, I understand and agree that:

  • I am participating in this Brain Gym® course for my personal and professional development only.
  • In order to teach this, any other Brain Gym® course, or conduct private Brain Gym® sessions for a fee, I must complete the required curriculum and hold a valid license with the Educational Kinesiology Foundation, dba Breakthroughs International (BTi).
  • The information in the Brain Gym® course is trademark and copyright protected.
  • Student contact information will be shared with BTi or its locally approved affiliate (according to applicable privacy laws) for the purposes of:
    • Tracking students in the licensure process.
    • Including students on BTi or its approved affiliate’s e-lists — my data will not be shared with any outside entity.
  • The instructor may record parts of this course and share them privately with permission from course participants to further support the learning process.
  • I am prohibited from:
    • Distributing or publishing any recordings of this course that the instructor shares.
    • Recording any part of this class.
  • There is a Foundation review process for courses and products arising from the Brain Gym® work, and that I can contact for further information.