by zenithadmin | May 18, 2023
Suddenly one evening I had headache and thought it’s normal headache because I usually get it due to dehydration. I thought it will be alright once I sleep and wake up next day morning. But unexpectedly, next day also it continued. Things started to become...
by zenithadmin | May 18, 2023
I reached out to Nithya when I had given up on marriage, re-evaluating my decision to be together and felt that my partner will never accept me as I am. Nithya is a great listener and she patiently received all my emotions, my unstructured thoughts and emotional...
by zenithadmin | May 18, 2023
My Journey with Nithya Poorani Jayaraj I would name this journey as “From Survival to Thriving!” Before: There was a time in my life when I felt overwhelmed for various reasons: fear of increased responsibilities, lack of appreciation from people around, baggage from...