Bioenergetic Wellness Programs
Training Children (ages 10 to18) and the professionals (Psychologists, social workers, nurses, and caregivers) at Child protection homes, Department of Social Defence
People’s basic needs of food, shelter, education, and resources for economic stability are essential for life but realizing potential is necessary for a fulfilled life. Bioenergetic Wellness Programs (BWPs) have been designed to enable individuals to realize their potential by empowering them to access their inner wisdom, enabling subconscious support to their conscious efforts. This harmony allows them to dream of and achieve their goals and after practicing BWP tools under the guidance of the team, they can self-actualize themselves. They are equipped to perceive reality efficiently, to be open to challenges, to have a deeper appreciation of basic life experiences, and to follow ethical standards.
Leadership and Governance
The founders tailor BWPs to the target audience’s needs and set goals for the training in an ethical and upright manner with internationally trained professionals. The founders maintain governance of the organization by establishing a regular reporting regimen on the quality, content, and delivery of the BWPs and ensuring that the BWPs are executed according to instructor guidelines. The founders review the report, make decisions to recalibrate the BWPs, and make improvements as required. They provide constructive feedback influence the team through mentorship and engage the entire team with the organizational goals facilitating the accountability of the processes. The founders manage the financial resources in a fiscally responsible and timely manner, enabling the organization to transform its goals into concrete action plans.

Program outline
Classroom hours (offline), Home assignments, Group discussions (online), Theory and practical assessment (offline), Journaling, Projects, Presentations, and Discussions (online)
Syllabus Material
About 20% of time is spent on theory, and 80% on practical training.
Manuals and certificates
Workshop manual, handouts, workbook, and certificate are provided by Body Alignment and Harmony, Canada and International School of Bioenergetic Wellness, India
Track Record – previous projects
1. Training 90 professionals working with Child Protection Department, Chennai district( North & South zone) 2023
2. Bioenergetic techniques introduction to classes 9,10,11 and 12 – Thavathiru Santhalinga Adigalar Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore 2023
3. Bioenergetic techniques introduction to teachers of Thavathiru Santhalinga Adigalar Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore 2023
4. Brain Gym training of 35 primary school teachers of Dr Dasarathan International School, Coimbatore 2023
Research outline
Evaluation of “Family wellness with Bio-energetic balance” and “ Emotional Programming” by Psychologists, Social workers, Caregivers, and children in Child Protection Homes- impacting QoL and work-life through mixed methods.
Research methods
The Quantitative data are collected, tabulated, coded, and analyzed using the SPSS-updated 23 version – Shapiro-Wilk test, non-parametric test for further analysis, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test for within the group, Mann-Whitney U test for comparison between experimental and control group. The qualitative data is analyzed using thematic analysis. The research is conducted using the Dependent Variables and Independent Variables Procedure. The questionnaire will comprise a consent form and the WHOQOL-BREF version. Protection of Participants’ rights is maintained throughout the process.
Research team
Research Lead, Data collection personnel, Data analysis experts, Research technical support (Statistical analysis), Report and publishing team
International School of Bioenergetic Wellness Team – Internationally Trained and Certified Instructors